Coming back from hollydays is a good time to start blogging around my Python contributions (jpydbg and pymvs) :
so this is the first post with some on going works which are in progress ; so let's introduce JpyDbg advantages in this first message :
- JpyDbg on which I started to work two years ago , is now pretty stable lot of cool debugging and editing features like :
- Python + Jython support(available for more than one year).
- Live debugging shell : which provides a true python shell window at debug time for dynamic python expression evaluations.
- changing variable values content at debug time which is a great time saver.
- Syntax coloring and checking with a cool simple AST view of the Python code in a syntax tree.
- import semantics checking through the import navigator feature which tells you from which PYTHONPATH directory is your import resolved.
- Mouse Rollover debugging : at debug time point your mouse on a variable inside the editor and you got it evaluated inside a tiny ToolTipText.
Next version of jpydbg which will be out for halloween (let's call it the alloween drop :=) )
My plan here is to provide following enhancement and new features :
-integrate Python profiler.
-integrate Pylint console.
-improve variable panel by setting up a tabletree panel instead of a siple jtable in order to be able to recursivelly display complex type.
-Improve PYTHONPATH management.
This plan is pretty agressive for a midnight project ... I'll try to respect it as much as possible ; providing weekly detailled progress here, and intermediate drop announcements