Tuesday, September 20, 2005

V 0.0.12 released

This new version provides usability and look and feel enhancement , that I was willing to start for a long time.
This summer I got some free times ( during hollydays ) to start and finally implements those enhancements.

So this new fall's version contains this new stuff :

- The Variable Window has been turned into a clean and lean Python Object Memory Browser based on a classical JTree Table with calpability of opening recursively complex object nodes for more details.

- Jython environment configuration have been simplifed.

- Clean isolation/separations of Jython and Python configuration context

- A Check button for Jython / Python configuration correctness has been provided

- PYTHON PATH management has been revisited and improved.

Next release 0.0.13 will contain an integration of PyLint ; integration will be very close to the one available for PyDev(Eclipse) ; based on Jedit already used ErrorList plugin

And coming finally with the 0.0.14 the profiler should be the final touch. After a discussion with fabio Zadrozny( PyDev's maintainer ) ; I will try to provide the profiler's functionality both for JpyDbg (Jedit) and PyDev(Eclipse). Since this may be more complex ; this is the reason why I do it last.

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